High blood sugar (hyperglycemia) is usually seen due to the incomplete application of the diet, and may also occur due to reasons such as some medications and infectious diseases.

Hyperglycemia, which is expressed as an increase in blood sugar levels, is an increase in glucose levels in the blood. According to this situation, which is seen as the distinctive point of type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, blood glucose level is above 100 mg / dl in openness and 140 mg / dl in fullness. Normally, blood sugar should be in a certain balance, it should not increase in satiety and should not decrease during hunger. High blood sugar can be seen for many reasons. Therefore, these reasons should be investigated before the treatment is applied and a treatment program should be prepared accordingly. If this height continues in the patient for a long time, various complications may occur. If necessary precautions are not taken, advanced patients may even go into a coma.

What Are The Causes of High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)?

When the causes of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are known, controlled treatment will be possible. The most common reasons are as follows:

  • Eating too much by not following the diet given by the physician
  • Insufficient level of insulin hormone, which regulates blood sugar levels in the body
  • Feeding poor in fiber and rich in saturated fat
  • Staying still and not exercising regularly
  • Have an infectious disease
  • Using cortisone-derived medications
  • Inability to use insulin secreted by the pancreas in the body for different reasons.
  • Being in a stressful period
  • Excessive secretion of cortisone, adrenaline, glucagon and growth hormones due to various reasons, which cause blood sugar levels to rise.
  • Excessive consumption of high-calorie and simple sugar foods

Who Has High Blood Sugar (Hyperglycemia)?

People with high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) are:

  • High thyroid patients
  • Pancreatic cancer patients
  • Diabetes, namely diabetics
  • Acromegaly patients
  • Patients with tumors in the adrenal glands
  • Cushing’s syndrome patients
  • Those who use insufficient insulin or miss their insulin döşe
  • Those who have excess iron in their body
  • Cystic fibrosis patients
  • People using cortisone
  • Those who have any infectious disease

What Are The Symptoms of High Blood Sugar (Hyperclycemia)?

Symptoms of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) include frequent urination, blurred vision, fungal and itching in the genitals, sores around the lips, white layer on the tongue, excessive eating desire and feeling of hunger, dry mouth and odor, darkening and foaming urine. There are symptoms such as fatigue and weakness, need to drink too much water, delayed healing of opened wounds.

Generally, these symptoms are more common in people with obesity, kidney transplantation, organ transplantation, family members with diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, polycystic ovary syndrome and high cholesterol. However, it is not correct to define every patient with high blood sugar level as diabetes. Symptoms of hyperglycemia must be shown for this diagnosis to be made.

How Is High Blood Sugar (Hyperclycemia) Diagnosed?

For the diagnosis of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), blood is taken from a vein or fingertip from people with symptoms. Reference ranges shown for hyperglycemia will be different when postprandial blood is drawn. If the blood sugar result is above 183 mg / dl, the sugar passes into the urine. This suggests that blood sugar may be high. In addition, hemoglabin A1C measurement is made to the person. If the result of this application, which gives information about the blood sugar for three months, is above 6.5, this indicates that the blood sugar level is high.

How Is High Blood Sugar (Hyperclycemia) Treated?

For the treatment of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia), both medication therapy is applied and patients are asked to follow some recommendations. Accordingly, for hyperglycemia patients, if the underlying cause is the disease, it is treated. These people should definitely lose weight. He/she should exercise and walk regularly, and fully comply with the diet program given by the dietician. At the same time, patients should be informed about the regimen of treatment and the use of insulin medications. In addition to these, insulin-releasing antidiabetics and insulin sensitizing medications are given to patients for therapeutic purposes. People who will use these drugs should be more careful about kidney, liver and heart failure. At the same time, weight-bearing side effects of the medications can be seen. In medication treatment, patients are explained by the physician about these conditions.