Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), blood sugar level below 50 mg / dL. Even if the body is hungry for three to four days under normal conditions, it prevents the sugar level from going down and remains within the limits of 60. However, if the level is gradually decreasing, it indicates a vital situation. Sugar is essential for the proper functioning of organs such as the heart and brain. Sudden drops in sugar can cause these organs to be damaged.

If a diabetic person is treated with sugar-lowering pills or insulin, the sugar level below 70 will also be called hypoglycemia. In this case, the symptoms can be noticed more easily. The symptoms experienced are divided into two as mild and severe, and diabetic patients usually have mild symptoms at first.

What Are The Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglicemia)?

Symptoms of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) can be examined as mild, moderate and severe. Mild symptoms are cold sweating, weakness, and dark eyes. People with these complaints can return hypoglycemia to normal by consuming sugar. Symptoms of moderate hypoglycemia are slow movement, intense cold sweats, confusion, blackout, speech impairment, and severe weakness.
If the symptoms are excessive and cold sweating, severe weakness, blackout, confusion, speech impairment, coma and slow movement in the person, then hypoglycemia is defined as severe level. In severe cases, self-intervention of the person will not be appropriate. A medical intervention must be performed by the physician.

What Are The Causes of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglicemia)?

Causes of Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) are quite extensive. According to this:

  • Switching from cold or warm environment to very hot environment
  • Using too much oral anti-diabetic or insulin
  • Delayed gastric emptying and difficulty in digestion
  • Eating snacks and main meals at irregular times
  • Replacing insulin injections
  • Consuming less carbohydrates with meals
  • Menstrual onset in women
  • Not using medicines at the right time
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Exercising more than usual

How Is Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglicemia) Diagnosed?

In order to diagnose Hypoglycemia, people with complaints are measured with an oral glucose tolerance test. In the measurement of fasting blood glucose, a drop of blood is taken from the patient and the value is calculated automatically by using this special technological glucose meter. If the measured value is above 120 mg / dL, then other tests are examined. If the clearance blood glucose level is 50-70 mg / dL, it is expressed as hypoglycemia, if 70-100 mg / dl is normal, 100-125 mg / dl is expressed as latent sugar and 126 mg / dl as diabetes. When the postprandial blood sugar level is examined, 100-140 mg / dl is interpreted as normal, 140-199 mg / dl secret sugar, and 200 mg / dl as diabetes. For the oral glucose tolerance test, glucose is given to the patients under supervision and then the changes in blood sugar levels are checked.

How Is Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglicemia) Treated?

Low Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia) treatment is done according to the level of the disease. In the case of mild hypoglycemia, it is checked whether the sugar level drops before or after meals. If it occurs 15 to 30 minutes before the main or snacks, the meal should be eaten immediately. In case of post-meal hypoglycemia, a tea glass of lemonade or fruit juice can be drunk. In the treatment of moderate hypoglycemia, one or two teaspoons of sugar dissolved in warm water, two or three glucose tablets, four or five sugar cubes can be taken. Also, a large tea glass of juice, sugar, a glass of milk, a large tea glass of cola with sugar will do.

For the treatment of severe low blood sugar, if there is loss of consciousness that cannot be taken orally, glucose, parenteral, glucan injection is applied. This injection should be given under the muscle, under the skin or into a vein. Treatments must be done by a physician. Otherwise, more serious problems may occur. In addition, hypoglycemia patients must have a glucose tablet or to have it with them. Thus, the sudden low blood sugar that may be experienced will return to normal in a short time. Since alcohol consumption intensely triggers hypoglycemia, it should also be avoided.