We need energy to continue our lives. This energy we need is met by the foods we eat. This energy, which is obtained from carbohydrate, protein and fat groups, is broken down to the smallest possible building blocks in order to pass into cells. The smallest building block involved here is glucose. Glucose generally means simple sugar. Glucose is a very important energy source for all our organs. This energy source, which is mostly used by our brain, starts to be used thanks to a hormone secreted from the pancreatic gland. The role of the Pancreatic Gland, which is located in the back of the stomach, is to produce the hormones necessary for our body. Insulin hormone, which plays an important role in these hormones, allows the glucose circulating in the blood to be taken into the cell in order to use the energy that our body needs. As it can be understood from here, failure to produce insulin hormone is a very troublesome situation in terms of the body’s energy source. No matter how much food we take into our body when such a problem occurs, cells will not be able to use the resulting glucose as energy. This will bring about various problems. The most important of these problems is diabetes. Diabetes caused by insulin hormone deficiency in the body is called Type 1 diabetes. Type 1 diabetes disease can be seen at any age and gender, and it is a much more common condition in childhood or adolescence. Type 1 diabetes is encountered quite frequently at a young age. Because of this, the name juvenile diabetes is also given. In recent studies in our country, it has been determined that the patients in the diabetes category are over 4 million. Approximately 10% of these patients, 400,000 people, are patients with this type of diabetes

Why Does Not Type 1 Diabetics Benefit From Metabolic Surgery?

Although diabetes patients are generally grouped, these patients are also categorized within themselves. These are Type 1 diabetes, Type 2 diabetes and a different group of diabetes patients named as Type 1.5, which has recently entered the literature. Although the problem is generally determined as blood sugar level, the treatment methods and problems of each group are different. Of course, there is a difference in the proposed solutions for these problems. One of the promising developments for diabetes recently is metabolic surgery applications. Unfortunately, this practice is not a promising development for diabetics in every category. Because metabolic surgery applications give successful results only in Type 2 diabetes patients, some MODY patients and patients suffering from pregnancy diabetes. However, even in these patients, the presence of insulin reserve and activity is important. Patients with insufficient reserves and activities cannot have these operations.

Metabolic surgery applications do not cause any positive results in patients with Type 1 diabetes, because this application enables the use of insulin in the body. As is known in the body of patients with type 1 diabetes, there is no insulin. In some cases, the use of this insulin, which is found in small amounts, is not realized. Since this is the case, metabolic surgery applications are not procedures that can be used for Type 1 patients.

Although metabolic surgery methods are not used for Type 1 diabetes patients, there are different treatment methods that can be applied for patients in this category. In other words, in the medical world, patients with Type 1 diabetes are not unsolved.

Modern age people, in other words, have a great role in experiencing these health problems, especially in reaching the current level of diabetes. Maybe we could not understand how we got to this point, but we could not achieve the necessary adaptation to the recent rapid developments, to the industrial and industrial metropolitan life. The contents of the food we buy become more and more different, and this happens at a rate we cannot notice. The rapid progress of our daily life made us obliged to consume refined foods and we could not quite understand how these foods ruined our lives because of their practicality. Refined foods are seriously digested when they come to the middle part while moving through the small intestine. The remaining nutrient content is almost completely divorced pulp. When the structure of the small intestine is examined, there are insulin resistance hormones in the initial section. In the last part, there is the section where the hormones that make insulin sensitivity are secreted. Since the refined foods have completed the necessary processes for digestion while still in the middle part of the small intestine, it is almost zero in content when it moves to the last part of the intestine. In this case, there is no need for the insulin sensitivity hormones to work hard in the last part of the small intestine. Hormones, those work less than they should, become lazy after a while and become inoperable. Metabolic surgery is exactly at this stage. During the surgery, the part located in the initial part of the small intestine and the part located in the last part are replaced by the insulin sensitivity hormones that can work again and become active. In this way, when the solution is progressing with the routine that should be in our body, it is a development that makes diabetes patients, especially patients in the Type 2 category happy.